Happy Winter Solstice and Merry Christmas! (elementals, astrology & St. Nick)

After having done 3 months of water elemental (undine) work daily, I have started the same for earth elemental (gnome) work. This winter brings me strong primal urges to be hunting, growing tubers, creating roaring fires, roasting food over a fire and then staring into the flames as i fall asleep, cooking and baking things especially with squash and potatoes, as well as the desire to go camping and learn how to build shelter and survive in the wilderness during the coldest time of the year. It’s bearable if you are dressed warmly enough.

Since it is the winter solstice, it is interesting to look at the influence of the stars during this time of year on one’s psyche. As a Capricorn with my Mercury and Venus also in Capricorn, I already have an affinity with earth. They along with Neptune in Sagittarius form a stellium from the 5th house of creativity to the 6th house of work. Conversely, I have my moon in Cancer (dignified, as the moon naturally rules Cancer) opposed in the 11th house of friends, and it serves as the “handle” for the bucket shape of my chart.

Of course, there is much more potential information than just the birth chart. You could do a progressed chart where you see yourself as you are now by adding one day for every year of your age. You could also do a transit chart for the start of the winter solstice or anytime after it you are currently contemplating and see what planets transit your birth houses.

Because it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and Saturn (Old Father Time & death) rules winter, you could even see the progress of your Saturn Return. The Saturn Return is when Saturn arrives in the exact same sign and degree as the one in your birth chart, as it will transit the house your Saturn is in. Age 30 is when the protection of youth ends and health issues start to appear. The numbers 3, 33 and 333 have a special significance and synchronicity with Binah/Saturn and anything that is a triune or a triplicity — not only the Trinity but Jesus was crucified at age 33 and the Triple Goddess of Maiden/Mother/Crone or Father, Mother and Child.

The moon is also higher in the sky during this time. We tilt away from the sun during the day and toward the moon at night. Full moon. Even though the 11-year cycle of the solar minimum has already begun, the moon cycles will be especially important this winter. Consider the phenomenon called Seasonal Affective Disorder or “winter blues” of depression. Or that full moons and especially around Christmas and the New Year, there are a lot of murders and other crimes, and they are times that werewolves and vampires use for themselves. They are also powerful for any woman whose birth moon phase is the full moon, and a woman’s period should be synchronized with her birth moon phase. In short, some people will hit rock bottom emotionally, if they already haven’t. But anyone can benefit from a white light/sunlight lamp to mimic similar effects to sunlight. If you have read anything about the importance of the circadian rhythm, you would know that an absent circadian rhythm can induce psychosis. It’s why solitary confinement (in prison) is a form of psychological torture. If people can’t straighten out their circadian rhythm, how can women have normal periods? Something to think about. The menstrual cycle is based on 28 days, and the circadian rhythm is based on 24 hours.

I hear that some peoples used to go deep into the earth to be closer to the core vibrational frequency during the solar minimum period. It’s too bad we don’t have the capacity for that, so we have to find alternatives in any way possible. The Ormus I’ve been taking and the Temple of the Machete That Wins All Battles practices have really helped me along with meditation and Ifa to remain in tune with the earth and earth spirits. To be strongly rooted and grounded while also working with highly elevated and heavenly spirits, and to remain pure and cleansed after working with more base or lower vibrational entities. With the ancestors, including primordial, there is a hierarchy from heaven to earth in which humans are in-between. Our ancestors and other spirits serve as intermediaries to translate from God and help us have and develop spiritual gifts.

Modern Christmas, unfortunately, is built on lies and consumerism. At best, it is similar to Thanksgiving, but with gift-giving. I see no real mystery or magic of Christmas or any talk about Saint Nicholas, who Santa Claus is based on, as charitable and a wonderworker. Sure, there is talk and decorations about Jesus Christ being born, but how do you reconcile that with the blackmailing of children into behaving not for the sake of being good or understanding why, but to get presents? How do you reconcile telling children that Santa Claus is real only to tell them later that it was really their parents putting the presents under the tree? The real beauty are the processions held certain countries around the world where there is a large Catholic or Orthodox population. The same for those African religious traditions syncretized with Christianity, and St. Nick is very important in Sanse (Puerto Rican vodou). In Norse religion (thanks, Kevin), Odin was the wonderbringer. Another figure was named “cinderclaus” (sp?). These intercessors in association with coming down chimneys were common throughout Europe. Also important was the “bad” Santa like Krampus, who would take away problematic children of the tribe or clan. Puerto Ricans have a saying that goes,”Don’t take anything back (be an Indian-giver) or the Devil will visit you.”

Most importantly, those children who get raised in a mystery tradition do not lose their childlike awe and wonder or their belief in miracles/magic, because they know that spirits are real. Some of us were raised in a mainsream or organized world religion but had past lives in mystery traditions, only to discover them later in this life. You have to die as your old self in order to be reborn anew…in the blood of Christ, the blood of your ancestors, you remember heaven and earth.

About Woman Inside Water

Spanish bilingual of Puerto Rican descent, student of Ifa and Sanse, artist, nature and animal lover, occult researcher.

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