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What is a hunter’s lodge?

Most spiritual temples are restricted to helping their local communities and maybe some international students. Other temples have a far wider-ranging purpose.

It’s time to talk about the hunter’s lodge. A hunter’s lodge is one whose members actively work against spiritual evil not only around them and the ones they love, but the community and even the world. You most likely won’t find hardly anyone else mentioning this specific concept online, but there are people (e.g. psychics and mediums) who really use that description and in the context of the occult, hunter’s lodge members use occult means to deal with black magicians, vampires, and more.

You watch videos and read about shadow people and ghosts, but average people are secular wimps who easily break down psychologically. They can’t deal with them, they can’t face their fear and end up feeding them. “Know thy enemy” says to study the enemy and learn their ways, and use their own powers and tools against them. Fight fire with a hotter fire, and then with water.

Meanwhile, entities like shadow people and ghosts are no problem for anyone who regularly has psychic and supernatural stuff happening to them and on purpose…because they train. Daily. They connect to various spirits and strengthen their connections with them. There’s also charity that comes in (the one I’m in) by helping innocent people in need. So there’s a lot of vetting that goes on.

Most people wouldn’t be able to handle being in a hunter’s lodge, it’s just a simple fact. There’s a lot of talk about freedom, but little willingness to fight for it. Most occultists deny that Satanic Ritual Abuse exists at all, even while they admit Maleficum and using human body parts are common among black magicians and witches. Many enjoy mythology, but don’t take it seriously — only as metaphors. Some enjoy herbal medicine, but don’t take it seriously either — they prefer Big Pharma while they dabble in herbs. Most people did not even try just saying “No” to all of the plannedemic mandates that involved invasion of privacy and violation of physical autonomy.

And that’s okay because not everyone is meant to be a spiritual warrior, much less a hunter of evil. Still, a lot more people could really use the ability to have strong convictions and stick up for themselves. I guess these days courage — the ability to act in spite of fear, not actually being fearless — is in such short supply that it takes spiritual warriors to show what courage is.

It’s more likely that declining spirituality is partly to blame. That’s from the corrupting influences of society, leading to the breakdown of the family and disconnection from one’s ancestors and any help they could give. The false world-builders first came after the old people, now they’re coming for your children. Our children.

That is why hunter’s lodges are necessary.

Kevin & I: Debunking a ridiculously stupid sigil meme

Here is another example of dumbass pseudo-occult takes. To “bind” a demon means to bind them to your will using the names of God to command them, and then banish them when done. Yep, just like in exorcisms – the successful ones, anyway. Even the magician or operator is also called the exorcist. The only difference is that the banishment exorcism is of the demon from the environment (and someone’s consciousness if they are channeling messages for divination), while a religious/spiritual exorcism is banishing a demon from possession of a person’s consciousness and body.
A lot of straight up faggotry in that sigil meme. King Solomons seal does not prevent demons from speaking or showing themselves specifically.  So they are suggesting demons are using technology to circumvent it.

What sigil is it?
That is the covenant seal. The seal that commands.

Well then, in that case, could people use technology to circumvent it and communicate with the person binding them? 
No, because the command is full spectrum.

Porn Is Demonic, Says Top Occultist

“We are very, very different people in terms of our religious commitments — he’s a polytheistic pagan, I’m an Orthodox Christian — but he writes some of the most interesting stuff on the Internet. This piece is definitely that. In it, Greer tells a reader that pornography is demonic — not symbolically demonic, but actually a tool of evil spirits — and offers him pagan spiritual advice for conquering it.

Once a week, Greer takes questions from his readers. On Monday, a reader wrote to say that he was struggling with a demon of pornography. The anonymous reader follows up on a post he wrote the previous week, in which he said:

I’ve been doing some journaling on my porn use. My subconscious seems determined that it is a major source of my issues, and I’m trying to get to the bottom of it. When I asked why I use it, the first thing which came into my head was “Because I tell you to.” This sort of thing has never come up during journaling, and it felt rather alien to me.

Greer told him that yes, this sounds like a malign spirit.

Well, this week, the man was back, and said to Greer, of the malign spirit:

It seems to be hammering home on a few points, all of which seem intended to do one of a few things: break me down so I can’t resist it; keep me sexually aroused so I feel the need for porn; make the rest of my life horrible so I have no real reason to fight it; or keep me from making it harder for myself to access porn.

1) My life is currently a mess. You mentioned last week something about demonic obsession, and how victims aren’t entirely sane. I’ve been questioning my sanity for a while now (this is part of why I picked up journaling), so it may fit me. Does this sound like the case for me?

2) I think my main priority for now is to get rid of this thing. One of the only ways I know of is to practice a daily banishing ritual and get good at it. Are there other steps I can take to get rid of it? I assume using porn less will weaken the link, but am I correct, and are there other ways to rid myself of it?

3) If this sort of spirit is common, might it explain the existence of a traditional prohibition on pornography in several spiritual traditions?

4) You mentioned last week it likely feeds on me during orgasm. Would you mind elaborating what you meant by that?

5) I’ve been looking at the no-fap [anti-masturbation]/porn-free communities online and find that a lot of people describe porn as a demonic force which takes over their lives. Nearly everyone clarifies it’s a metaphor, and one of the things which this spirit is trying to do is question my sanity whenever I pay close enough attention to notice it. Thus, do you think part of the reason materialism is so popular among so many dysfunctional people might be malevolent spirits pushing it, to keep them from thinking that a malevolent spirit even exists, let alone might be affecting them?

Greer answered, in part:

1) That’s hard to say. Our society right now is clinically insane — I mean that in the most literal sense — and so it’s very difficult to tell what counts as the kind of personal craziness that might be the product of obsession, and what is the collective craziness that pervades our culture.

2) Yes, using less porn will starve it, but of course it’ll double down at first, trying to get fed. If you go to the Magic Monday FAQ cited in the post, you’ll find instructions for a hoodoo protective bath, and for an amulet using salt and a bent nail. Both of those would be useful in your situation.

3) Yes, indeed it would.

4) Orgasm takes place on the etheric as well as the material plane, and just as you ejaculate on the physical plane, you extrude a certain amount of etheric substance — the substance of the life force — on the etheric plane. If you’re having sex with another person, that’s not a problem, because the other person’s body absorbs your etheric substance, just as you absorb the substance the other person extrudes; one of the reasons lovers so often feel nourished and healed by lovemaking is that each of them has taken in some of the other’s life force, which can then flow through the subtle body and fill in where there’s a shortage. In masturbation, there isn’t anyone else to absorb the etheric substance, and so a noxious spirit can dine on it — thus the feeling of weakness and depression so many people experience after masturbation.

5) Ding! Yes, exactly. Do you read science fiction and/or fantasy? If so, have you ever read C.S. Lewis’ space trilogy? He makes the point there that it’s a central strategy of malevolent spirits to keep people from believing in their existence.”

read more at The American Conservative

A closer look at the symbolism of the ITNJ (International Tribunal of Natural Justice)

…The peacock has been a symbol of the nobility and especially kingship for centuries. For that reason it was common that kings bought one or two peacocks for their estate. We also see peacocks in the interiors of royal palaces and as a motif on royal gowns. The peacock is also the symbol of the Vatican and therefore we see it in Vatican City as well. In Christianity the peacock symbolises the all-seeing church and holiness. In Persia and Babylonia the peacock was seen as the protector of the kingship and was often engraved into the thrones of monarchs.

Where the entire peacock is the symbol of a 100 eyes and the all-seeing knowledge, one peacock feather symbolises the all-seeing eye. On one end it refers to the top of the pyramid with the all-seeing eye, on the other hand it might also refer to the organisations that are part of the Five Eyes.

Five Eyes is an anglophone intelligence alliance comprising of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. Or in other words: the collaboration between the CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6 and other intelligence organisations. Remarkably enough, a number of representatives from these organizations appear to be on the ITNJ-commission.

The secret Vatican archive

That brings us back to the pine cone. The pine cone is a prominent symbol in Vatican City. There is a big statue of a pine cone on the square “Cortile della Pigna” (courtyard of the pine cone). This square is in fact the armoured roof of “Archivio Segreto Vaticano”, the secret Vatican archive, where all secret gnostic and historical documents and art treasures are stored. The secrets that they want to guard, to prevent the truth from coming to light.

This Vatican archive also contains the papal bull (charter) “Unam Sanctam”. This papal bull, written by Boniface XIII, declares that the whole of humanity is owned by church and state. The system that not only enslaved humanity, but also abused it in all kinds of dark rituals. The Vatican is therefore one of the most criminal organizations in the world…

A rosette is essentially a rose-shaped decoration. An object or arrangement that looks like a rose, usually made of ribbon. The rose is the emblem of the Orsini family. One of the papal bloodlines. It’s in their family crest. Ciro Orsini is closely involved in the creation of the ITNJ and the best friend of Sacha Stone. He is directly related to Pepe Orsini, the grey pope.

The black pope is the supreme commander of the Jesuits who rules the world. The white pope is the official pope, but essentially a puppet. According to some sources, the grey pope is the most powerful man in the world. He would be in command of both the white and the black pope. The grey pope is seen as the “King of the Holy Roman Papal bloodlines.”

The Orsinis belong to the Italian black nobility and the papal bloodlines. This is the group behind the P2 lodge, the head of the Order. The group that founded the Mafia. The group that controls the Vatican. All in all, these are quite a few references to the Vatican. Is this all a coincidence, or the result of misinterpretations? Judge for yourself.

Read more at Ella Ster

Kevin’s commentary on Lucifer vs. Satan & the Satanic deception of promoting Qliphothian magick and Might Makes Right

The psychopathic elite are way more animalistic and bestial in their natures than the regular person. They are impulsive out of these things. They spend their entire lives creating a labyrinth of mental machinations to keep their physical actions hidden.

Read the rest of this entry

Sacred Geometry: DNA is the Flower of Life

Sacred geometry is visible even in our DNA.

It’s amazing how sacred geometry plays into the observation of nature, music/sound, and color. All these concepts connect in magick. For the true magician, these synchronicities are evidence of intelligent design and hence, Prime Creator (or God). One can see sacred geometry even just beginning with the cell division that occurs after conception. Recognizing such an interconnectedness of everything speaks to the goal of personal spiritual growth and self-sacrifice to then help others grow.

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(Various) Texts on MK-Ultra Monarch or “beta” sexual programming

“Beta is referred to as “sexual” programming (slaves). This
programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level. Known as Kitten programming, it is the most visible kind of programming
as some female celebrities, models, actresses and singers have been subjected to this kind of programming. In popular culture, clothing with feline prints often denote Kitten programming.”

Monarch/MK-Ultra-Sex Kitten Programming: Occult Symbolism

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Debunking the denial of freemasonic & MK-Ultra Satanic occult imagery in the media

Updated 2/6/2019

Watching blind people fall over themselves to “re-interpret” the FREEMASONIC symbolism that is rife here is hilarious! “She practices witchcraft,” “She’s into santeria.” Well, no folk magic has this kind of symbolism and definitely no yin-yang! Most people WANT to remain asleep!
The Owl of Minerva is the first thing you see.
There’s also the bull of Moloch/Molech (Baal), the eye in the forehand/eye in the palm, and the serpent around the pyramid. Yes, she does voodoo (palo mayombe), but the video itself has explicitly freemasonic imagery. Read the rest of this entry

Satanic freemasons exposed

Updated 2/6/2019

Read the rest of this entry

Theories of iron, or: why use daggers against spirits?


I was writing up a little essay on the use of herbs and plants in magic, and I came to the point of collecting the plants. Normally, I use a steel dagger (which is an alloy of iron and carbon), and I pondered to myself as to the reason why? Why iron?

I searched around a little as to why, according to folklore, faeries, spirits, ghosts, and witches abhor iron. I couldn’t find anything! I was so surprised. I thought maybe I could find something, but to no avail.

I did find, however, that the ancestors connected iron with lifeforce, because raw iron smells like blood (which is liquid lifeforce).

In magic Like attracts Like. I thought, well isn’t the opposite true as well? Opposite repels opposite. Fire repels water, earth repels air. Life repels death.

AH! I said. Iron is -condensed lifeforce-. It runs through our bodies. It is what turns our blood red, it is star stuff. It is the condensed lifeblood of the earth, in metal form.

What are spirits? They are non-living. They do not have flesh, or blood. They are air and smoke. SO! Condensed Iron Lifeforce repels their unliving essences. Spirits, ghosts, faeries, disembodied witches. Though, I’m sure the threatening edge of a sword or dagger probably helps, as well.

When we harvest our plants with an iron dagger, we literally cut through the power, and trap it within the stalk, or the leaf, or the root of the plant. Think of it as when you put your soaped up finger into a bowl of water and pepper. The power, the anima, the spirit of the plant becomes trapped within whatever you cut off (spirit fills form).

As I said, I -love- magic theory.

Anonymous said: A pagan astrophysics major told me another answer: As it turns out, iron is life to blood, but is death to stars. Elements lighter than iron can release energy with their fusion, but once a star proceeds up the fusion chain to the point of producing iron, it begins gaining deadweight and cooling/losing energy, because iron eats energy in its fusion reaction rather than releasing it. Eventually a star will “choke” on the iron and collapse. Iron comes from the death of a star.

Brilliant insight into Iron’s effect on energy.