Daily Archives: June 18, 2024

I lost something in the hills of Appalachia

Well, I finally made it out of a hellhole as of a month ago. Decompressing and then detoxing from all the EMFs, 5G, masker/vaxxoid, leftist and LGBTQPedo insanity, news and social media nonsense and all of the hardship and unnecessary stress from my unique circumstances and area. Also, I am learning about farming from a friend, the knowledge and experience of which will serve as a foundation for our homestead and other projects.

This is where I’ll be for the next several months. Most of the stuff modern/society people think matter, really don’t, and the things they think of as socializing are really antisocial (alcoholism, drug addiction, sex disorders). Pop culture has become part of the mainstream urban culture. Not out here! Also, some of the people who aren’t gonna be completely fucked when Pole Shift starts finishing will be these people. It’s funny how the propaganda of horror movies implies that bad things happen when you move out to the country, and many people want to leave a small town because it’s “boring,” meaning they’re not being constantly entertained and served and consuming, usually with the help of advanced technology, the internet, or a credit card. Well, I remember when the tech nerdbros were saying how great it is that AI is replacing the creative jobs. That was when we thought robots would do the physical labor and humans would do the lofty creative and intellectual work, which involves an office, laboratory, studio, or another building. An indoor area. But now AI is learning to code. The jobs that will remain will be the trades and physical/manual labor, knowing how to grow food, build and repair things, which are beneath weak snobbish princes/ses who’ll flip out when there’s no internet and no electricity.