Let’s face it, most neopagans are not country-dwellers

I guess that’s also why the godless are also called heathens.

Christians are more “pagan” these days than most neopagans and reconstructionists, considering their religions got assimilated into Christianity in the West.

Ask any country dweller. The simple-minded “pagan” who’s stereotyped as inbred when the most inbred are the aristocrats. You think the rural folk are terminally online?

Ha! They put value in the land. Livestock animals. Crops. Building things. Repairing.

Not hoarding stuff and the latest technology. They’re blue-collar laborers, working-class people. If we ran out of electricity and therefore internet, guess who’s not fucked? Not them.

No need for Jewish Kabbalah either when we Gentiles have a Hermetic Kabbalah. It’s the basis of the Western Mystery Tradition. So yes, something like the color red in the West has a specific meaning, it’s not “what it feels like to me.”

And even your Christian ancestors count when you claim to honor them.

Don’t die a douchebag!

About Woman Inside Water

Spanish bilingual of Puerto Rican descent, student of Ifa and Sanse, artist, nature and animal lover, occult researcher.

Posted on June 20, 2024, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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